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(1 edit)

Nice game! Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:49:40. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. ๐Ÿ™‚

Good game. I also added it to my new "Gameplay of New C64 Games from May 2024" video.

There are some bugs here, lock up on level 8 and an edge case where score goes from 255 or 511 back to 1.

Thank you!

I actually noticed the score bug earlier today, will get fixed.
The level 8 lock up is new to me though

OK, I think I've fixed those and the graphics glitch.
Thanks for your help

Not a bad game with some quite clever ideas. I like that you have to go to the bottom of the screen to charge up your laser beam to fight those nasty aliens. This proves to be a big challenge. This game does feel like going back to the early 1980s. Although I didn't have my Commodore 64 until 1990, and I did buy very old budget games that were being sold on the shelves back then.


Good game ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Personally, I would add some improvements. First of all the graphics bug that C64 Universe user mentioned. Loading weapons should be done automatically and not by going down to the level of buildings (it makes it a bit difficult to play). Additional bonuses that will allow you to get better weapons e.g.: laser, double cannon, self-guided missiles. Overall, the potential in the game is there but expanding it would be more playable. Of course, this is my suggestion ๐Ÿ˜Ž 

As the editor of K&A PLUS I would like to talk about this game. Feel free to email me

Awesome! Thank you for your suggestion.

I've just uploaded an update which slows the game down a bit, so I think the city mechanic is less annoying now.

I'm actually thinking of doing an expanded version for the Megadrive/Genesis which would be easier for me to add different weapons and power-ups.
Thanks for your interest I'll email you right away :)

(2 edits) (+1)

So, I read the comment from the individual claiming it's too hard, so I had to check the game out. I was able to play for a bit, but when the enemies touch the buildings or even your ship touches it, the screen flashes like crazy. Idk if this is what it does on stock hardware as I'm playing on an Ultimate 64. Which, if you don't know what that is, it's an FPGA board that you can put into a real C64 shell and use an actual C64 keyboard. Anyways, back to the flashing. It's very much like a strobe flashing and as someone who has had seizures in the past, I had to stop playing. I'd be happy to do some more testing once that's fixed. Hope the feedback helps.

Ahh sorry, good point.
I think I'll upload a separate png file, which removes the flashing. 


Hello again,

I have just uploaded an new version of the game, you can now download low_flash_mode_sky_saviour.

There is some minor flashing, like the end of level text and on the ship when it's out of shells, but it's greatly reduced. I hope this helps.

Thanks again for playing my little game :)

It would be good but too fast and very difficult from the start and I've found a graphical bug, please fix all of these problems for getting a more playable game.

(1 edit) (+1)

I wanted it to be a difficult game, which short play sessions, but maybe I've over done it. I'll see if I can dial it back and also fix that glitch :)

Thank you for trying my game and taking the time to comment!

I really like this kind of games - I was one of the official testers of the Commodore 64 version of Galaga ( Unfortunately, you have to be very quick here, but I would like to play more time with this game to get to the later levels. Very good job anyway!


OK, I've just updated, and slowed everything down a bit.
You were certainly right, it plays a lot better now I think.
I really appreciate your feedback on this!

Just wanted to get this update out, I'll hunt down that glitch tonight :)

Very good job, its much better now! ;)


Amazing! Thank you :)

One small thing, it says Horizon Shift 65 rather than 65 in the article...other than that, thank you so much.